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September 28, 2018

Freedom of speech and blasphemy

Freedom of speech and blasphemyFoe few weeks a serious issue, ‘blasphemy’, was the talk of the town. Pakistan had apparently succeeded in stopping the contest of Blasphemous Caricature which was to be held in Holland organised by Geert Wilders. Blasphemy law is a law limiting the freedom of speech and expression

Undermining the media

Undermining the mediaThe federal government constituted a ‘content committee’ to approve the issuance of government advertisements to the print and electronic media on September 17, 2018. The committee is headed by federal Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry and includes the information ministers of Punjab, Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa as well as the Special

Challenges in the cyberworld

Challenges in the cyberworldInventions are being made all the time everywhere, but the invention that has truly changed the lives of everybody on the planet whether they know it or not is the internet. The rise and rise of social media and the freedom of expression that goes with it has already challenged a

PPF expressed concern over assault on cameramen

PPF expressed concern over assault on cameramenPakistan Press Foundation (PPF), in a letter to Juan Orlando Hernandez, President of Honduras has expressed concern over the physical and verbal assault against two cameramen in Western Honduras. PPF Secretary General Owais Aslam Ali, in his letter denounced this act