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The chasm between ‘free’ and ‘hate’ speech

KARACHI: In the wake of the recent scourge of terrorism in Paris, which left 12 people dead, including the editor and prominent cartoonists of the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, netizens have harked back to the debate of what constitutes ‘free’ and ‘hate’ speech. Actor Hamza Ali Abbasi is among those who took to Facebook to comment on the subject, highlighting

Facebook apologises, says removal of Hamza Ali Abbasi status was mistake

By: Anum Rehman Chagani CEO and Founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg on Monday said his social network’s removal of actor Hamza Ali Abbasi’s status regarding the Charlie Hebdo attack and freedom of expression may have been a mistake. When asked by one profile Angelic Munni what Zuckerberg has to say about his network’s deletion of Hamza’s post, Mark Zuckerberg responded:

We need to survive the digital age

In the United States, everyone — from a school girl to Lady Gaga, from a young boy to President Barack Obama — posts stories from their lives on social media outlets. Even the Central Intelligence Agency, one of the world’s top spy agencies, got itself a Twitter account recently. But Pakistanis can only dream about such freedom on the internet.

No plan to restrict Facebook, Skype after 3G auction

ISLAMABAD: The government holds no plan to restrict important services such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Viber and Skype after spectrum auction of multi-billion dollars 3G and 4G technologies in Pakistan, official sources confirmed to The News on Friday. The Cellular companies are worried about streams of their cash-inflows in terms of their voice services as increased speed of data communication in

Cyber- jihad and espionage

From its earliest days, the internet was conceived as an open, anarchic space where no government could censor content or spy on traffic. That was then: now welcome to the world of cyber-espionage. States have been acutely conscious of the vast flow of possibly subversive messages in the form of emails, tweets and Facebook comments flowing across their borders. Many